In June 2018, SUSTech and MIT signed an agreement establishing Centers for Mechanical Engineering Research and Education at MIT and SUSTech. The Centers were officially established in 2019. The Centers will foster research collaborations and inspire new approaches to engineering education and establish a group of key laboratories at different levels with the benefit from a wide range of research and industrial innovation and the support of top-notch scientists and researchers from both sides. Thus the Centers also aim to become international collaborative platform in engineering education and research. Each year, faculty members and students will have the opportunity to share their insights in joint workshops. Roughly a dozen graduate and undergraduate students form SUSTech will spend time at MIT each year. In addition to conducting research at the MIT center, SUSTech faculty will be invited to observe MIT’s approach to mechanical engineering education firsthand. Meanwhile, faculty and students from MIT will be invited to travel to Shenzhen and observe developments in the area’s innovation ecosystem through a number of programs such as establishment of short-term courses, etc.
On June 15, 2018, Zhenghe Xu, dean of engineering at SUSTech and Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of engineering at MIT, signed an agreement to establish the Centers for Mechanical Engineering Research and Education at MIT and SUSTech.
About MIT: https://web.mit.edu/about/