
Partners List


合作院校: 28

Information up-to-date as of 12/2023
  • United Kingdom

    University of Nottingham
    The University of Leeds
    The University of Warwick
    The University of Edinburgh
    King’s College London
    The University of Surrey
    The University of Oxford
    University of East Anglia
    The University of Birmingham
  • United States

    Rutgers University
    The Georgia Institute of Technology
    Johns Hopkins University
    Illinois Institute of Technology
    Wentworth Institute of Technology
    The University of Wisconsin–Madison
    Temple University
    The University of Notre Dame
    Stony Brook University
    Southern Methodist University
    The University of Southern California
    The University of Michigan
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)
    Rice University
    Kent State University
    The University of California, Irvine
    The University of California, Riverside
    The University of California, Berkeley
    The University of Hartford
    Columbia University
    North Carolina State University
    University of Pennsylvania
    Brandeis University
  • New Zealand

    The University of Waikato
  • Australia

    University of Technology Sydney
    The University of Sydney
    Monash University
    The University of Queensland
  • Canada

    McMaster University
    McGill University
    The University of Waterloo
    The University of Toronto
    The University of British Columbia
    The University of Alberta
  • Denmark

    The University of Copenhagen
  • Italy

    Polytechnic University of Milan
    University of Florence
  • Poland

    The Jagiellonian University
    University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS)
  • Switzerland

    The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zürich)
  • Germany

    Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences
    Jacobs University Bremen
    The Free University of Berlin
    The University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)
  • France

    The University of Technology of Troyes
    HEC Paris
  • Saudi Arabia

    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology(KAUST)
  • Korea

    The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
    Handong Global University
    Korea University
    Pohang University of Science and Technology
  • Japan

    Ritsumeikan University
    Kanazawa University
    The University of Tokyo
    Tohoku University
    Osaka Prefecture University
  • Singapore

    National University of Singapore
    Nanyang Technological University
  • Turkey

    Abdullah Gül University
  • Sweden

    Royal Institute of Technology
    Lund University
  • Kyrgyzstan

    Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University
  • Uzbekistan

    Tashkent University of Information Technologies