SUSTech Year-end Review on Internationalization


On December 26, SUSTech 2023 Year-end Review Meeting for Global Cooperation and Exchanges was held. JIANG Hong, Chairperson of the University Council; JIN Li, Vice President for Global Strategies; GU Dongfeng, Acting Vice President; CHEN Siqi, Secretary-General; WANG Pengfei, Member of the Presidential Executive Council, along with representatives from various schools, departments, and administrative units, attended the meeting. Government leaders present included CAO Saixian, Director General of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office, and LIU Zhibin, Deputy Director of Higher Education Division of Shenzhen Education Bureau. 


Director General CAO Saixian highlighted the foreign affairs achievements of the city in 2023. She emphasized Shenzhen's active role in building diplomatic and cross-border exchange platforms, establishing friendly relationships with 90 cities across 57 countries. Education, as a driving force for urban innovation and development, received unwavering support from Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office in facilitating international exchanges and cooperation. She commended SUSTech for its significant contributions to Shenzhen's global development and expressed the Office's commitment to fully support SUSTech's high-quality internationalization.


Chairperson JIANG Hong expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the university to the Shenzhen Municipality and all faculty and students who have dedicated themselves to SUSTech's international development. She emphasized the pivotal role of higher education internationalization in serving the national goals of high-quality education and building a modern education powerhouse. She shared her experiences of participating in international activities such as the World University Presidents Forum and stressed the importance of creating an international and friendly campus. She conveyed her aspiration that in the coming year, the entire faculty and students would actively undertake the mission of internationalization, contribute to high-quality development of the nation and the region, and further integrate with the global innovation system.


Vice President JIN Li presented a review of SUSTech's global cooperation and exchanges in 2023 and outlined the vision for the year 2024. He summarized the university's efforts in serving the national strategy to further open up high-level education, consistently enhancing the top-level design of internationalization, establishing a high-quality global network, “rejoining” the international academic exchange arena, nurturing global innovative talent and continuously strengthening global impact. He analyzed the current domestic and international situations and proposed four suggestions for 2024: creating favorable conditions for students and faculty to participate in international academic exchanges, leveraging the academic networks of foreign faculty to expand global resources for SUSTech, enhancing the scale and quality of inbound study while fostering exchanges between young generations from China and abroad, and adhering to world-class criteria to better integrate into the global innovation network.

Outstanding contributions to international cooperation and exchanges in the year 2023 were acknowledged, and certificates were awarded to the honored faculty and student representatives by CAO Saixian, JIN Li, CHEN Siqi, WANG Pengfe, YU Shuhong (Dean of the College of Science) and LIU Ke (Dean of the College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship).


Vyacheslav Futorny, Chair Professor of the SUSTech International Center for Mathematics (Zelmanov Mathematics Center), delivered a presentation on "Expanding Cooperation between SUSTech and Brazil". LIANG Jiansheng, Executive Deputy Director of the International Centre for Higher Education lnnovation under the Auspices of UNESCO, provided an introduction on "UNESCO-ICHEI: Platforms and Advantages of International Cooperation". WANG Hong, Dean of Graduate School, presented on "International Cooperation Achievements of Graduate School". WU Changfeng, Associate Director of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, explored "A New Path for Chinese-British Integrated Education System in Clinical Medicine: A Case Study on SUSTech-KCL School of Medicine". YU Shiqi, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, shared insights on "Utilizing Resource Advantages to Expand International Exchanges and Cooperation".

By Liheng Guo, Yang Xu