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HKU Greater Bay Area Summer School


Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies, as a course conducted by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Common Core and Summer Institute of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), explores exactly the possibilities of creating realities of online world and communities. Applicants have to complete application procedures required by SUSTech and HKU respectively.  

Programme Information

Programme PeriodJuly 19 to August 6, 2021
Application DeadlineMay 31, 2021
Host UniversityThe University of Hong Kong
Program FeesHKD12,000(SUSTech is a member of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance, therefore our students enjoy a preferential rate.)Note: This program is also eligible for our university funding support. For more details on funding application, please refer to the email titled “Special Funding for Study Abroad Online Programs in Summer and Autumn 2021”, sent by global_students@sustech.edu.cn.
Requirements1.  SUSTech full-time undergraduates 2.For other requirements, please refer to the HKU website: https://summerinstitute.hku.hk/programme/aihp/
Application Procedures1.Fill in and send the Application Form for HKU Greater Bay Area Summer School to: denggy@sustech.edu.cn2.Launch and submit your online application through the HKU website: https://summerinstitute.hku.hk/programme/aihp/
Approval UnitThe University of Hong Kong
Credits6 HKU Credits. Please contact TAO or your departments to confirm if credits could be transferred in advance.